August 02, 2015

SpringMVC: PropertyPlaceHolder

Another interesting support feature provided by Spring is using properties in your code through PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer. It helps load application properties from either a file or database table. The XML for using both,which will go into your spring context file,is 

<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
    <property name="properties">
        <bean class="org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationConverter"
                   <bean class="org.apache.commons.configuration.DatabaseConfiguration">
                          <constructor-arg ref="<database bean>" />
                          <constructor-arg value="<database property table>" />
                          <constructor-arg value="<tablecolumn for placeholdernames>" />
                          <constructor-arg value="<tablecolumn for placeholdervalues>" />
     <property name="locations">

<constructor-arg value="datasource" /> refers to a database bean defined in the spring context xml.

<constructor-arg value="app_config" /> refers to a database table APP_CONFIG.

<constructor-arg value="config_key" /> refers to column 'CONFIG_KEY' in APP_CONFIG that will contain the property you want to use in your code.

<constructor-arg value="config_value" />  refers to column 'CONFIG_VALUE' in APP_CONFIG that will contain the corresponding value of the property.

The below example shows how to then use the pre-loaded properties in your Spring code.

public class DocumentController{

      String docBase="";
      String appEnv=null;
      String docPath="";

      private DocumentDAO documentDao;

      private UserDAO userDao;

      public String uploadDocument(@RequestParam("docName)String documentName,
                                  @RequestParam("docFile")MultipartFile file)
         <upload logic>



The members docBase,appEnv & docPath will be initialized when the Controller instance gets created. Here doc_Base,app_Env & doc_Path are property names defined in CONFIG_KEY & their corresponding values in CONFIG_VALUE will be used for initialization

doc_Base              test
app_Env               Dev
doc_Path              /dev/reviews
